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Grey Fox

The grey fox is the lowest furbearing predator on the food chain. He needs to get in quick and grab the food before something bigger and meaner comes and steals it from him. This makes the grey fox the most likely to respond to calling anywhere there is a lot of brush and/or boulders for him to hide in. It is not uncommon to call in a pair and not unheard of to call in three or four on the same stand. Shotguns or rimfire rifles are my preferred weapon when targeting the grey fox since the shots are usually less than 50 yards due to the thicker brush and rocks they thrive in. The grey fox is a beautiful predator and excellent trophy that every hunter appreciates if they are lucky enough to harvest one!




The coyote is widely regarded as the ultimate survivalist. While they are probably the most numerous of the predators we target, they are often the most difficult to kill. This is due to their very high intelligence (they learn from every human encounter) combined with excellent vision, hearing and sense of smell. Coyotes can be hunted year round in Arizona and depending on the time of year, they will respond to different types of calls (prey, territorial, mating). Coyotes generally live in more open terrain and the shot distance can range from 30-250 yards. A flat shooting rifle, up to .243 caliber, is most effective on these tough animals for the longer shots and a 12 gauge shotgun is hard to beat for the close up shots.  


For many, the bobcat is the ultimate trophy for predator calling. Bobcats range from the desert floor to the pines and are masters of stealth and camouflage. They will eat everything from rodents to birds to small deer and respond to those types of calls accordingly. Every cat responds differently to the call from running in with reckless abandon to only covering 5 feet every ten minutes. We have killed cats at 45 seconds into the stand all the way to one hour and fifteen minutes! Often times we won't see the cat until it is walking away after it has seen or sensed something is amiss and decided it is time to go. Any shotgun or commonly accepted varmint cartridge is acceptable for bobcats since they are thin skinned and any shot to the front half of the torso is usually good enough for a kill. It is possible for a bobcat to be called in on any stand, but if you are serious about specifically targeting bobcats it is recommended to book three days to allow the best chance for success. 



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